I’ve a problem here,
Of the feline sort;
Your cat, my dear,
It’s she I caught,
Stealing the wool,
From my knitting bag.
(It used to be full,
But I don’t like to nag.)
If it could be returned,
When she’s done with it,
My thanks you’ll have earned,
As I’d quite like to knit.
Tag: problems
Many Bad Days
What’s the Worst That Could Happen?
What’s the worst that could happen?
Well, I’m not too sure.
Could be a hole in your shirt,
As you walk out the door.
Or going out dressed
In your finery,
When everyone else
Is in jeans and a tee.
Or that brilliant idea
You had in the night,
But cannot remember
Try as you might.
Or when no one laughs
At your very best joke.
But the worst that could happen?
Is the Internet’s broke.