The Bird’s Nest

Illustration of a bird's nest in a shoe.

This is a story about a bird
Who built her nest in a place absurd.
She took some twigs and some feathers too
And made a nest inside a shoe.

She made her nest inside a shoe
And the other birds said it wouldn’t do
To lay your eggs in such a place
But she just laughed and pulled a face.

She just laughed and pulled a face
And sat on her eggs to keep them safe.
She kept them warm all day and night
But one day something wasn’t right.

One day something wasn’t right;
She woke up with a terrible fright.
The other birds came with the news –
A boy was trying to find his shoes!

A boy was trying to find his shoes?
The bird was scared her nest she’d lose.
"We told you not to build it there."
"Please come and help, don’t stand and stare."

"Please come and help, don’t stand and stare."
So they tried to move the nest with care
But it wouldn’t move, the nest was stuck.
It seemed they were all out of luck.

It seemed they were all out of luck
When a girl took boots down from a hook.
"Today you’ll wear your boots instead;
Looks like the birds need your shoes," she said.

"Looks like the birds need your shoes," she said.
"When the chicks are hatched they must be fed."
So they put out food and before long
The baby birds were big and strong.

The baby birds were big and strong.
The other birds said, "We were wrong;
Girls and boys are the best
And a shoe is a great place for a nest."

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